Rubik's snake I created this toy applet to learn how to make a GUI using Mathematica (at least that's what I told myself). The applet shows you how to make different patterns with the original 24-wedge Rubik's snake (also called Rubik's twist), and some patterns that can be made with a 48- or 72-wedge snake. In the applet, the patterns can be rotated in 3D, uncoiled step by step, and put together again. New patterns can also be made. I'm interested in receiving new snake patterns, in particular patterns for the 48-wedge and the 72-wedge snake. Send to: The shapes have mostly been obtained from the web, books, and friends, but I have also made some myself. The notation used for the shapes in the applet is a series of digits, e.g. '010020310...', which denotes the rotation for each wedge. For each step, orientate the snake so that the wedge before the one you want to move is positioned like the white one in the image below. The blue wedge then shows how the next wedge shall be rotated. ![]() Many more patterns for the original 24-wedge Rubik's snake can be found at <> and in the booklet "Shaping Rubik's Snake" by Albie Fiore. Fiore used the same notation, but with letters (D, L, U, R) instead of numbers (0, 1, 2, 3). | |
Some patterns from the applet (scroll down): Maintained by Øistein Holen. |